A journey through
authentic flavors
and experimentation
A journey through authentic flavors
and experimentation

The Restaurant

Our tasting or a la carte menus between tradition, modernity and creativity.


Our tasting or a la carte menus between tradition, modernity and creativity.


Excellence is achieved thanks to the commitment and professionalism of the whole team, and the staff of the Bistrot is one big family. 


Surprise a loved one by giving them a special experience in our restaurant.


The secret of the quality of our products for a culinary experience
deeply rooted in our territory and its cycles.

Chiusura per ferie

Gentili Clienti,

vi informiamo che il nostro ristorante sarà chiuso per ferie da lunedì 17 febbraio a martedì 04 marzo 2025.
Saremo lieti di accogliervi nuovamente a partire da mercoledì 05 marzo per la cena.